
Oceanography is also called oceanology or marine science, Oceanology is the study of the physical and the biological aspects of the ocean. It is an Earth science covering a varied range of topics, including ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical fluid dynamics; geology of the sea floor; and fluxes of various chemical ingredients and physical properties within the ocean.
Oceanography is divided into four branches:
1.Biological oceanography: Biological oceanography is also called marine biology it investigates the ecology of marine organisms in the context of the physical, chemical and geological characteristics of their ocean environment and the biology of individual marine organisms.
2.Chemical oceanography: chemical oceanography is also called ocean chemistry, are the study of the chemistry of the ocean. Whereas chemical oceanography is mainly occupied with the study and understanding of seawater properties and its changes, ocean chemistry focuses mainly on the geochemical cycles.
3.Geological oceanography: geological oceanography is also called marine geology, is the study of the geology of the ocean floor including plate tectonics and paleoceanography.
4.Physical oceanography: physical oceanography is also called as the marine physics, studies the ocean's physical attributes including temperature-salinity structure, mixing, surface waves, internal waves, surface tides, internal tides, and currents.
Coastal Oceanography:
Both physical and biological characteristics are involved in Coastal oceanography. Physical coastal oceanography research focuses on ocean land runoff, upwelling, and the inter-relation between coastal firth and the ocean.